Becoming an Author
Step 1:  Your teacher will put you into a HomeTeam, with 4 members to a group.  Together you will explore and complete the activities on  the following website on Author's Purpose to gain a better understanding of why an author writes.
Step 2:  Your group will then be assigned one of the three purposes an author writes a story, 1. to inform, 2. to persuade, 3. to entertain.  Your group will research and become an expert on an assigned author's purpose. 

You will work as a team to print and investigate the book list, and find book examples of the trait.  Your group will  list the findings on the graphic organizer, and check out 4 of these books from the library. 

Now you will each read a book to the group, and discuss the author's purpose.

Next you will design a powerpoint slide to teach the rest of the class about the author's purpose you studied.

The group will select one person to present the powerpoint slide.

Step 3:  As each group shares their expertise, each person in the class will take notes using an Author's Purpose Organizer.
Step 4:  You will use your completed Author's Purpose Organizer and decide on a purpose for the story you are going to write.  You will start your story by printing and completing the Planning Chart.
If you are stuck and need some story ideas, you may use:  IDEA Development or IDEA chart

Step 5:  Now that you have your idea and purpose for writing you will begin putting your thoughts together to create a story.  You will print out the Story Map 2 and  complete the map with all your thoughts and ideas .  Next, you will create your story using notebook paper. 

Step 6:  When finished, you will read the story to yourself, making changes as needed to clearly express your thoughts.  This is called editing.  Through this process you will make changes by adding to the story, rearranging the order of the story, or by deleting parts.  Then you will read the story once more to yourself continuing to make changes if necessary.  

Step 7.  Now ask two people from your Home Team to read your story and edit it.  You will then take and rewrite your story on notebook paper making any needed changes.  Read your story to yourself one last time.   

Step 8:  Now you are ready to transfer your story into a book.  After you write your story, you will go back and illustrate each page.  Next, on a blank piece of paper you will draw and design your book cover.  Once you have the title and the design, you will transfer it to the book cover.

Step 9.   Last, you will design a one slide powerpoint persuading buyers to purchase your book and present it to the class.